Ignite the sun,
Freeze the moon and
Purge the world.
Enough of
The deaths;
The cries;
And the tribulations.
Paint the moon red
Paint the night red
Paint the sky red
And wash the nations with blood.
Cleanse the world
Of the putrefying humans.
Set fire to them all
For a child died of hunger.

Set them ablaze
In the smouldering pangs of hunger,
And from the ashes,
Let the new order begin.
A world devoid of hunger
A nation united by bonds of blood
And a society lacking prejudice
But filled with pride of who we are.
Inspired from:
தனி ஒரு மனிதனுக்கு உணவில்லை எனில் ஜகத்தினை எரித்திடுவோம்
- மகாகவி பாரதி
If there is no food for a single man, then let's burn the world!!
- Mahaakavi Bhaarathi