Let me rest in peace; Let me forget you
And let me suffer in solitude.
But please take from me,
Your aching memories.
Making my life a living hell;
You Haunt my days with ghosts from our past.
Haunting my days with every minute I cross;
You made my life a soft toy in your hands.
The groaning cry that emanates
When you come in my dream.
And the searing pain that implodes
When the dream vanishes in reality.
You forget my words and the promises we shared,
You disregard my love and the days we spent
You lose my love and lost yourself,
As you burn my soul,a can of carcass.
Let me live; Let me breathe
And let me smile once more
Please give me back my reason for life.
Give myself back.
P.S: Inspired from the song " Po Nee Po" of the album 3.