Axiom or Known fact: Before the beginning of Universe nothing existed except God.
Religions that talk about creation say that before Universe was created nothing existed other than God. Science (Big Bang Theory – the original theory and not the sitcom) states that all contents in the Universe was compressed into a tiny particle (Lets call it the God particle) before the Big Bang after which expansion started. So we can now stick to the fact that before the creation or beginning of Universe only God or The God particle existed.
Let us consider two examples of creator and creation in our everyday life. A potter creates a pot by using the raw material clay. Similarly a goldsmith creates gold ornaments using the raw material gold. In both cases although potter or goldsmith is the creator of pot or ornament, unless they have the necessary raw materials, neither of them can bring into existence a pot or jewellery out of thin air.
If God is the creator of Universe, then He also would have definitely needed a raw material to create the cosmos. But we also know that before ‘The Creation’ there was nothing else. So what is the precursor or raw material for him to build the Universe?
Let us consider another classic example of a spider who builds its nest (spider web) using its own saliva. In this case the spider creates the web using itself as the material. Or in other words, the spider is both the creator and the creation. This seems to be the similar problem that God must have faced billions of years ago! Hence God used the only raw material available for him then to create the Universe. As a spider spins a web from its saliva for creating a home, God spun a Universe out of Himself and thus the Universe was born. Hence it is obvious that the God is both the creator and the creation. We humans along with every other material surrounding us are all part of this Universe.
Similarly according to Big Bang theory, The God Particle underwent a huge explosion which finally resulted in creation of our present Universe. So every object around us, You, I etc… have come from this single God Particle. Thereby, irrespective of my belief (whether I believe in God or not) one thing that is most certain is that we all have originated from a single entity called either God or The God Particle.
Hence proved!!!