People usually don’t find much difference between praying, worshipping and believing in ‘God’ as in most cases all three go hand in hand. By ‘God’ I do mean the conventional God that everyone worships in temples, churches, mosques etc… As for me, all three are quite distinct. Yes I do worship to ‘A God’ just because I find His personal traits inspiring. He is more of a Hero to me than a God. In a country where film stars are worshipped as Gods can’t I worship God as a hero? Just because I worship him and consider him as my Lord and superior doesn’t mean I believe in His existence. Although I sincerely wish for His presence to be a truth, I sadly have to acknowledge the fact that in life we never get what we wish for.

Prayer is one silly custom that every religion has which seems to be completely pointless. When we were children we used to ask our parents every toy, candy and ice cream that we could get a glimpse of. Parents, who are supposed to know what is better for us, delivered only those things to us although we wanted them all. Just the same way we grown-ups still ask God for favours, money, achievement etc. and wait for God to deliver it to us. If God is supposed to be all-knowing omniscient being doesn’t he know what is good for his child (You!)?
I believe almost all religions believe that it was God who created the universe, put things into action and holds a divine plan, a blueprint of what has to happen since the creation. If by chance a person prays to God asking for a favour (considering that God exists) and that particular wish contradict His plan, what is He supposed to do? Change the entire plan along with all its repercussions that would echo for billions of years to follow, just for a single puny mortal or should He disregard the prayer and stick to His own plan? If He would change His plans for every tom, dick and harry with a bible, Quran or Gita praying sincerely, what sort of amateur plan would that be? I don’t think an omnipotent and omniscient individual is allowed to be this incompetent. Or if the God sticks only to his own plan and maintains order, why bother praying in the first place? Let the thing happen according to God’s wish and will. Hence, I don’t find the need for a prayer at all!
What would your reaction be to your friend who keeps asking you for helps and favours at every turn of his life? I am sure you would get pissed off. If we can’t even give ear to a single person’s requests, what do you think would be God’s reaction to almost 6 billion stupid prayers that he is expected to answer each day? I don’t think it is a good idea to piss off or create a bad impression on an omnipotent being.
Although I do have taken a lot of challenges with God asking Him to do something as a proof of His existence, the one thing that I have always encountered is that the probability of occurrence is always half. {Refer God(?? Or !!) }. Irrespective of the God you pray and the rituals you follow, I am sure that the probability of a prayer being answered is going to be just the same for every person; the same 50%. So pick your God of choice, pray to Him and enjoy your life! As for me, am content with not receiving the wrath of God by praying to Him!! ;) :P