A flickering flame,
A dying battle
And a lost soul
Was all that remained in me.
Thoughts obscured,
Ideals violated
And morality loosened
Made life a living hell.
Hope - a farmer’s dream,
Life - a donkey’s burden,
Ambition – a poet’s banter
And I – a speck of dirt
Until they found
The remains of my long lost soul.
Taking me along with them,
Talking sense into me,
And feeding in the fuel
For the fire in me to burn again.
Life – a rebirth,
Pain – a memento,
Dream – an inspiration,
And thoughts a new hope.
Hope – a lighthouse
To cross the sea of life,
And ready to face the tides of misery
Over the boat of self assurance.
Despair to confidence,
Pain to power,
Dope to hope,
And from death to redemption.
To every life who trusted on me,
To every mate who kindled me,
And made me bear the mammoth responsibility,
Am indebted perpetually!
(Truly indebted to a whole lot of friends who were with me during my distressed times as well as happy times, helped me, encouraged me, inspired me and set an example for me... This is for all of them!! :))
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