Just a small idea that stuck me... Dedicated to all my friends!! :D
பெயரை உரைத்தேன் நேரில் வந்தாய் - மறுகணமே;
துயரம் என்றேன் கை கொடுத்தாய் - உதவிக்கு;
கவலை என்றேன் தோள் கொடுத்தாய் - அழுவதற்கு;
உதவி கேட்டேன் உயிரை தந்தான் - என் நண்பன்!!
English translation:
I called your name and u appeared before me - Immediately;
When i was in sorrow u gave me a hand - To help;
When i was down u gave me a shoulder - To cry;
When i asked for a help u gave your life - My friend!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
நெற்றிக்கண் நாயகன்!!

A tamil version of the same post - Netrikkann Nayagan!!
நள்ளிரவு நேரத்தில் , நடுநிசி இரவில் ;
நாய்கள் ஊளையிட , நரிகள் வேட்டையாட ;
தீமைகள் படைஎடுத்தாட, நன்மைகள் பயந்தோட ;
நிம்மதியை எரித்து , பயத்தை பெருக்கி ;
உணர்வுகளை அழித்து , உயிர்களை கசக்கி ;
ரத்தத்தை குடிக்க , உயிரினை எடுக்க ;
கர்வத்தை அழித்து , ஆணவத்தை ஒடுக்கி ;
உண்மையை நிலைநாட்ட , தீமையை விரட்ட ;
ருத்ர நீலகண்டன் , திருசூல நாதன் ;
அகில பிரம்மா நாயகன் ;
ஆதி அந்தம் இல்லா தருமுலவாசன்;
சினம்கொண்டு வெறி கொண்டு மண் மீது வருவான் ;
நெற்றிக்கண் திறந்து ஜகத்தினை அழிப்பான் !
Raging Phoenix

Gone are the times of Despair,
The times when soul seemed lost,
When life lost its meaning,
When despair engulfed hope.
Gone are the days of immense crisis,
The days of uncontrollable cries,
When life became burdensome,
When each day turned gruesome.
Gone are the period of living dead,
The period of senseless rage boiling in,
When vengeance gave a reason to live on,
When pain gave a shoulder to cry on.
The need to rise and grow;
From abyss to the horizon.
From the ashes of betrayal,
To reach for untainted glory.
Not to stalk; Not to kill;
Not to relish the vengeance.
But to lead a celebrated life,
By breaking the bonds of betrayal.
To savor the beautiful life
To awe at the mysteries of life
To live the life by the second
I take rebirth and start again afresh!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Netrikann nayagan

Since this is my first tamil post please bear with me and do comment on the mistakes!!:)
Nalliravu nerathil, nadunisi iravil;
Naigal oolaiyida, narigal vettaiyada;
Theemaigal padayeduthada, Nanmaigal bayanthoda;
nimmadhiyai erithu, bayathai perukki;
unarvugalai azhithu, uyirgalai kasakki;
rathathai kudikka, uyirinai edukka;
garavathai azhithu, aanavathai odukki;
unmayai nilainaatta, theemayai viratta;
rudra neelakantan, tirusula nathan;
akila brahma nayagan;
aadhi andham illaa tharumulavasan;
sinamkondu veri kondu mann meethu varuvan;
netrikkann thirandhu jagathinai azhippan!
Monday, February 21, 2011

Love is just a rose with thorn,
Greed is like a futile war,
Lust is just a moment's want,
And Life is just a passing dream.
Renounce them all and see the world,
To know how silly our actions are!!
Tangled in such worldly webs,
Drowning through the bog of time,
The fleeting life passes on,
Never to grasp the truth of life!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Chance Vs Destiny!!
A WORD OF CAUTION: People who have faith in God, pls dont read this stuff.. Not meant for u!! U wont understand!!
Life is supposed to be a fun filled n thrilling experience with full of surprises. And how does life become so thrilling and adventurous? I mean how is life full of uncertainty? A small decision that u take at some point of time in ur early life may affect ur future to a huge extent, either on a positive side or on the negative side! So how does this series and successions of events that occurs one after the other help in shaping up the future of an individual, a group or society? On what basis does these actions influence us?
It is true that all our actions have a cumulative effect on the future of ourselves and all other matter in the universe. So what is the cause and reason for such domino effect? Is it just random happenings that get interconnected by pure chance to form our future or is it all well defined and pre-determined course of actions?
Let us consider that everything occurs only and purely by chance. Then it means that a series of haphazard and completely unconnected events occurred throughout the universe, gets connected randomly and such series of cumulative events overlapped together and finally resulted in the present state of the universe, world, life, you , me and everything around us. So everything happened just by chance!! Let this sort of thinking be called 'The Chance Effect'
The next idea is that there is some sort of supreme soul or power or an ego present in the entire universe which has already preplanned everything which has to happen at every point of time and moves towards it as we speak. Or we can take that every smallest known particle present (lets name it 'The G particle') has a conscience or a unique mind of its own which is connected to every other such similar G particle and such particles has a sense or purpose of its own. Hence all the G particles strive and preplan every action which has to take place and go for it. So ultimately the final idea is that every happening taking place around us and the present state of the universe, world, life, you and me are all preplanned!! Let this sort of thinking be called 'The Destiny Effect'
So how does these two ideas have to do anything with our day to day life??? Well... Here i explain the implications of each of the idea to our lives.
According to the Chance Effect every action in our day to day lives lead to further random series of events. And the end point is?? Nothing... It helps in achieving no cause at all, however significant and important ur work is towards development of lifeform, humans or the earth itself. So why do we waste our lives in the trivial matters of the earth? Whatever we achieve and however important it is, finally it will get wiped off from the earth or solar system along with the lifeforms present when after some million years the sun blows up!
But according to the destiny effect the supreme soul or the G particle has already mapped out every single action which is done, must be done and will be done by humans and all of the events that has occurred so far in the universe. At every moment of the Universe, the supreme force tries and aims to reach for the final climactic event which is its goal. It tries to channel every particle in the universe for the completion of its goal. Hence every action, however significant or insignificant it seems to be contributes to the same amount towards the climax for the universe, including all the works done by the humans in earth. So we all are puppets of the grand design of the supreme force and each of our actions are already preplanned.
Thus we have two theories to embrace now! Either to choose the chance effect and accept the idea that our life, work and presence in this world is useless and insignificant or to choose the destiny effect and be glad for contributing towards the grand design of the supreme force. If we do choose the chance effect, then naturally it means that we accept the fact that all our actions and our life has no reason or meaning and thereby it is better to renounce everything and lead a simple, bland life. But if we persist on sticking to the destiny effect, then every simple action of every living being and particles present in the universe contribute to the same amount towards the universal goal! So however insignificant a person's job or work may be he can be glad for contributing a significant part towards the goal and continue his work with pride. Similarly a person with great power or responsibility should not boast upon his importance for he must understand the fact that he is just a puppet of the supreme force and he too contributes the same amount towards the goal just as every single being!!
P.S: The ideas and thoughts are purely personal opinions of myself and my friend, Lohith. Further I'd like to thank Lohith for the chat we had which helped in bringing out such ideas which was the cause for the blog!
Life is supposed to be a fun filled n thrilling experience with full of surprises. And how does life become so thrilling and adventurous? I mean how is life full of uncertainty? A small decision that u take at some point of time in ur early life may affect ur future to a huge extent, either on a positive side or on the negative side! So how does this series and successions of events that occurs one after the other help in shaping up the future of an individual, a group or society? On what basis does these actions influence us?
It is true that all our actions have a cumulative effect on the future of ourselves and all other matter in the universe. So what is the cause and reason for such domino effect? Is it just random happenings that get interconnected by pure chance to form our future or is it all well defined and pre-determined course of actions?
Let us consider that everything occurs only and purely by chance. Then it means that a series of haphazard and completely unconnected events occurred throughout the universe, gets connected randomly and such series of cumulative events overlapped together and finally resulted in the present state of the universe, world, life, you , me and everything around us. So everything happened just by chance!! Let this sort of thinking be called 'The Chance Effect'
The next idea is that there is some sort of supreme soul or power or an ego present in the entire universe which has already preplanned everything which has to happen at every point of time and moves towards it as we speak. Or we can take that every smallest known particle present (lets name it 'The G particle') has a conscience or a unique mind of its own which is connected to every other such similar G particle and such particles has a sense or purpose of its own. Hence all the G particles strive and preplan every action which has to take place and go for it. So ultimately the final idea is that every happening taking place around us and the present state of the universe, world, life, you and me are all preplanned!! Let this sort of thinking be called 'The Destiny Effect'
So how does these two ideas have to do anything with our day to day life??? Well... Here i explain the implications of each of the idea to our lives.
According to the Chance Effect every action in our day to day lives lead to further random series of events. And the end point is?? Nothing... It helps in achieving no cause at all, however significant and important ur work is towards development of lifeform, humans or the earth itself. So why do we waste our lives in the trivial matters of the earth? Whatever we achieve and however important it is, finally it will get wiped off from the earth or solar system along with the lifeforms present when after some million years the sun blows up!
But according to the destiny effect the supreme soul or the G particle has already mapped out every single action which is done, must be done and will be done by humans and all of the events that has occurred so far in the universe. At every moment of the Universe, the supreme force tries and aims to reach for the final climactic event which is its goal. It tries to channel every particle in the universe for the completion of its goal. Hence every action, however significant or insignificant it seems to be contributes to the same amount towards the climax for the universe, including all the works done by the humans in earth. So we all are puppets of the grand design of the supreme force and each of our actions are already preplanned.
Thus we have two theories to embrace now! Either to choose the chance effect and accept the idea that our life, work and presence in this world is useless and insignificant or to choose the destiny effect and be glad for contributing towards the grand design of the supreme force. If we do choose the chance effect, then naturally it means that we accept the fact that all our actions and our life has no reason or meaning and thereby it is better to renounce everything and lead a simple, bland life. But if we persist on sticking to the destiny effect, then every simple action of every living being and particles present in the universe contribute to the same amount towards the universal goal! So however insignificant a person's job or work may be he can be glad for contributing a significant part towards the goal and continue his work with pride. Similarly a person with great power or responsibility should not boast upon his importance for he must understand the fact that he is just a puppet of the supreme force and he too contributes the same amount towards the goal just as every single being!!
P.S: The ideas and thoughts are purely personal opinions of myself and my friend, Lohith. Further I'd like to thank Lohith for the chat we had which helped in bringing out such ideas which was the cause for the blog!
Friday, February 18, 2011
The Eagle Myth (Garuda Puranam)

As the judgement day of Christ,
So does the myth of east,
As lords' recitation for just,
From death to the place of rest.
From the mind boggling heaven,
To the mind screeching bays of hell,
For the sinful, unrighteous& ignorant,
The place of eternal misery.
The path of soul from death; with the demented souls,
Through the lands of dead; hearing the unholy houls;
Through the rivers of blood; passing through the leechful ghouls;
To cross the six cities of dread; the cities of death Lord Himself;
To crave for crumbs of bread; waiting for their progenies' help;
Reaching the Lord for just; to be thrown to the mouths of hell.
Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Devil hunts the deep of hearts;
The Devil hunts my deepest parts;
Is there a place for me to hide and pray;
Or is this how it goes in an unending way?
The Devil hunts, who goes so far,
To rip his soul n scatter it apart,
The way I tried to hide and pray;
Pray to every Gods I've known;
No matter what I pray and cry,
The devil stands waiting to rip me apart.
Draining my life and sucking out happiness,
Feeding me with pain, despair and suffering.
The Devil gains strength every second,
Making God a mere puppet of him.
No one else can save me from him now!
I am sinful of everyone known so far,
And the God trembles to see me cry,
Neither can He answer my prayers,
Nor can He face me again.
Shattered, defeated and lost,
This is how I make my way,
To the Devil's gateway of Hell,
And become the One with the Devil.
Suicidal Pleasure

Pain searing through my veins,
Anger clouding my thoughts,
Hatred eating me alive,
Death engulfing me a whole.
Yearning to enjoy the pain,
Waiting for the end of life,
Straining to stop my breath,
To bring in to me the ecstasy of death.
Blood gushing out of mouth,
Eyes popping out of sockets,
Throat strangled by the chord,
Hanging from the roof writhing in pain.
As life flashes through my eyes,
As heart finally prepares to rest,
I finish off my evanescent life,
To reach for eternal peace.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
A few questions to be pondered!!

As Shaman( myself) and his fellow immortal (Lotosai) were discussing about life, God, purpose etc.. a few questions popped out... Although certain hypothetical assumptions were made and the questions were answered, the answers depend solely upon the 'hypothesis' .. So deeply etched in our minds, the questions still remain fresh and same.. Here they are to be pondered by others!
1. Why did simple molecules like sugar, amines, acids etc combine and group together to form complex molecules like proteins, DNA and finally end up in an assemblage called 'The Cell'?
2. Why does life has the tendency to propagate? To achieve what purpose?
3. Where is this propagation and evolution of lifeforms heading to?
4. How did evolution get so twisted that finally these complex assembly of molecules finally are able to think about molecules itself (themselves)?
5. Are all of the occurrences in earth, solar system and universe interconnected and predestined?
6. If yes, then who created that destiny? Was this destiny created by a power which humans so easily name as God?
7. If not, then did every action that has occurred from starting moments of bigbang, till date is governed only by chance\randomness?
8. Is there a supreme power, called God and is this the power which has already decided every action we perform and will perform?
And the million dollar question is!!!
9. What is the purpose of life? what is the reason for life to be present on the universe? what purpose does it accomplish?
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