Gone are the times of Despair,
The times when soul seemed lost,
When life lost its meaning,
When despair engulfed hope.
Gone are the days of immense crisis,
The days of uncontrollable cries,
When life became burdensome,
When each day turned gruesome.
Gone are the period of living dead,
The period of senseless rage boiling in,
When vengeance gave a reason to live on,
When pain gave a shoulder to cry on.
The need to rise and grow;
From abyss to the horizon.
From the ashes of betrayal,
To reach for untainted glory.
Not to stalk; Not to kill;
Not to relish the vengeance.
But to lead a celebrated life,
By breaking the bonds of betrayal.
To savor the beautiful life
To awe at the mysteries of life
To live the life by the second
I take rebirth and start again afresh!
Nice poem Venky. . .
These verses in Tamil are sprinkled with the language of diamond and the English Verse is twinkling with words of stars. Well done.Please continue your good work.
Boo Mama
semma poem! one of ur best i guess
as it reflects live emotions, i presume! :)
@bharath n vini: thanks
@ mama: y like this??? it seems too sarcastic!!
enna da romba nalla thanama poem ezhuthura? Vengeance is the path to salvation.
Vengeance, hatred and suffering are not the only ways to attain salvation. Thr is another softer n gentler path!! :P
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