As Shaman( myself) and his fellow immortal (Lotosai) were discussing about life, God, purpose etc.. a few questions popped out... Although certain hypothetical assumptions were made and the questions were answered, the answers depend solely upon the 'hypothesis' .. So deeply etched in our minds, the questions still remain fresh and same.. Here they are to be pondered by others!
1. Why did simple molecules like sugar, amines, acids etc combine and group together to form complex molecules like proteins, DNA and finally end up in an assemblage called 'The Cell'?
2. Why does life has the tendency to propagate? To achieve what purpose?
3. Where is this propagation and evolution of lifeforms heading to?
4. How did evolution get so twisted that finally these complex assembly of molecules finally are able to think about molecules itself (themselves)?
5. Are all of the occurrences in earth, solar system and universe interconnected and predestined?
6. If yes, then who created that destiny? Was this destiny created by a power which humans so easily name as God?
7. If not, then did every action that has occurred from starting moments of bigbang, till date is governed only by chance\randomness?
8. Is there a supreme power, called God and is this the power which has already decided every action we perform and will perform?
And the million dollar question is!!!
9. What is the purpose of life? what is the reason for life to be present on the universe? what purpose does it accomplish?
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